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I am impressed! At over 64 sometimes I hate changes, but this is certainly for the better.
What I like about this software is the simple way of explaning which anybody can understand. And, by 'anybody, I really mean it.
Being able to see how to solve a problem step by step, double checking my work and getting the answer right make Algebrator the best software that I've bought all year.
The Algebrator is my algebra doctor. Equations and inequalities were the two topics I used to struggle on but using the software wiped of my problems with the subject.
My decision to buy "The Algebrator" for my son to assist him in algebra homework is proving to be a wonderful choice. He now takes a lot of interest in fractions and exponential expressions. For this improvement I thank you. Students struggling with all kinds of algebra problems find out that our software is a life-saver. Here are the search phrases that today's searchers used to find our site. Can you find yours among them?Search phrases used on 2011-07-04: