Linear Equations and Inequalitie
Solving Inequalities
Absolute Value Inequalities
Graphing Equivalent Fractions Lesson Plan
Investigating Liner Equations Using Graphing Calculator
Graphically solving a System of two Linear Equatio
Shifting Reflecting Sketching Graph
Graphs of Rational Functions
Systems of Equations and Inequalities
Graphing Systems of Linear Equat
Solving Inequalities with Absolute Values
Solving Inequalities
Solving Equations & Inequalities
Graph the rational function
Inequalities and Applications
Using MATLAB to Solve Linear Inequalities
Equations and Inequalities
Graph Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
Solving Equations & Inequalities
Teaching Inequalities:A Hypothetical Classroom Case
Graphing Linear Inequalities and Systems of Inequalities
Inequalities and Applications
Solving Inequalities
Quadratic Inequalities
Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Graphing
Systems of Equations and Inequalities
Graphing Linear Inequalities
Solving Inequalities
Solving Inequalities
Solving Equations Algebraically and Graphically
Graphing Linear Equations
Solving Linear Equations and Inequalities Practice Problems
Graphing Linear Inequalities
Equations and Inequalities
Solving Inequalities

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what is the formula for ratio?
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Author Message


Registered: 02.06.2005

Posted: Saturday 30th of Dec 16:59    

Hi fellow students , I heard that there are various programs that can help with us doing our homework,like a teacher substitute. Is this really true? Is there a program that can help me with algebra ? I have never tried one thus far , but they shouldn't be hard to use I suppose . If anyone tried such a program, I would really appreciate some more detail about it. I'm in College Algebra now, so I've been studying things like what is the formula for ratio? and it's not easy at all.
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Registered: 11.03.2004
From: Netherlands

Posted: Monday 01st of Jan 12:03    

The best way to get this done is using Algebrator software. This software provides a very fast and easy to learn way of doing math problems. You will start loving math once you use and see how effortless it is. I remember how I used to have a hard time with my Algebra 1 class and now with the help of Algebrator, learning is so much fun. I am sure you will get help with what is the formula for ratio? problems here.
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Registered: 07.11.2001
From: Austin, TX

Posted: Tuesday 02nd of Jan 15:34    

Oh wow! Nice to see that people use Algebrator here as well. I can guarantee the usefulness of this program. It is simply superb.
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Registered: 13.03.2002
From: Omnipresent

Posted: Wednesday 03rd of Jan 12:17    

A extraordinary piece of algebra software is Algebrator. Even I faced similar problems while solving x-intercept, complex fractions and adding exponents. Just by typing in the problem from homework and clicking on Solve – and step by step solution to my math homework would be ready. I have used it through several math classes - College Algebra, Algebra 1 and Pre Algebra. I highly recommend the program.
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