Linear Equations and Inequalitie
Solving Inequalities
Absolute Value Inequalities
Graphing Equivalent Fractions Lesson Plan
Investigating Liner Equations Using Graphing Calculator
Graphically solving a System of two Linear Equatio
Shifting Reflecting Sketching Graph
Graphs of Rational Functions
Systems of Equations and Inequalities
Graphing Systems of Linear Equat
Solving Inequalities with Absolute Values
Solving Inequalities
Solving Equations & Inequalities
Graph the rational function
Inequalities and Applications
Using MATLAB to Solve Linear Inequalities
Equations and Inequalities
Graph Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
Solving Equations & Inequalities
Teaching Inequalities:A Hypothetical Classroom Case
Graphing Linear Inequalities and Systems of Inequalities
Inequalities and Applications
Solving Inequalities
Quadratic Inequalities
Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Graphing
Systems of Equations and Inequalities
Graphing Linear Inequalities
Solving Inequalities
Solving Inequalities
Solving Equations Algebraically and Graphically
Graphing Linear Equations
Solving Linear Equations and Inequalities Practice Problems
Graphing Linear Inequalities
Equations and Inequalities
Solving Inequalities

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why was algebra varibles invented
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Author Message


Registered: 05.03.2003
From: Massachusetts

Posted: Sunday 31st of Dec 09:50    

I need some help people! I find why was algebra varibles invented really tough. I have tried finding a tutor for the subject, but couldn’t find any in my area. The ones available are far and costly .
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Jahm Xjardx


Registered: 07.08.2005
From: Odense, Denmark, EU

Posted: Monday 01st of Jan 08:32    

You haven’t given any information about the problem that is troubling you. I would like to help you with why was algebra varibles invented as it was my favorite topic in math. I also recommend using a really brilliant software called Algebrator. This is the best that I have encountered to help math students. But make sure you use it to learn the subject and not just to copy and submit your homework.
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Registered: 03.08.2001
From: the 11th dimension

Posted: Tuesday 02nd of Jan 07:00    

I know a couple of teachers who use Algebrator themselves to teach students.
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Registered: 08.07.2001

Posted: Wednesday 03rd of Jan 12:23    

I remember having often faced problems with 3x3 system of equations, trigonometric functions and 3x3 system of equations. A really great piece of algebra program is Algebrator software. By simply typing in a problem homework a step by step solution would appear by a click on Solve. I have used it through many algebra classes – Basic Math, Algebra 1 and College Algebra. I greatly recommend the program.
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Registered: 27.07.2002
From: DreamLand (Italy)

Posted: Friday 05th of Jan 07:50    

This sounds really great . Do you know where I can get the program ?
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Registered: 05.07.2001
From: Right here, can't you see me?

Posted: Saturday 06th of Jan 12:15    

It is available at https://graph-inequality.com/solving-inequalities-1.html and really is the easiest program to get up and running. You can start learning math within minutes of downloading the software.
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